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Children's stools are often long. In most cases, it is normal for a child to be without a bowel movement for days or even more than a week. However, the baby can sometimes be constipated and needs some help. 

If a child is constipated, the pediatrician may recommend home remedies as a first-line treatment for the child's Constipation. Let's read out the symptoms of Constipation in babies and then will dive into some home remedies for treating Constipation in babies.

Signs of Constipation in babies 

In addition to the above symptoms, you may notice some other signs of Constipation in your baby. The Irritability and loss of appetite may disappear immediately after the child passes a large stool, which is often a clue. 

Are you still worried about all the complaining and whining? Take a deep breath; this is normal and not a sign of childhood constipation. "It's normal for babies to grunt and strain to poop. "When they're lying on their backs, it's hard for them to pass their bowels, and they don't get the benefit of gravity,

signs of constipation

Babies' bodies often need time to understand the pooping process, how to relax, and how to flow. "Many parents come in and think their baby is fussy when suffering from infantile dysesthesia, a condition in which an otherwise normal, healthy baby is distressed for at least 10 minutes (though often longer). Crying, tantrums, and possibly flushing or purple face when you attempt to possess a bowel movement. These symptoms last until the baby finally passes, but the stool is soft. 

How to recognize the signs of Constipation 

The main signs of Constipation are difficult. Other symptoms of Constipation include: 

  • Your baby may show signs of straining until the stool is passed 
  • Your baby may be restless, moody, or irritable. 
  • Your child may eat less or eat worse than usual. 
  • A tear or fissure may develop in the skin around the anus, which may sometimes percolate. 

In some situations, if your baby is constipated, they may feel bloated, or their stomach may seem more significant than usual. Feeling their poop (hard, firm lumps) may be possible when gently pressing on their belly. 

childhood constipation

Treating Constipation in Babies at home 

Try these strategies to support babies who have trouble pooping:

  • If your baby is on formula, always measure the water before adding the powder - this will help ensure the procedure is correct. 
  • When your child is old enough to drink water, offer extra drinks (boiled and cooled first). 
  •  Gently massage their belly to stimulate a bowel movement - your baby may also feel better with a gentle massage to help ease the pain of Constipation. 
  •  A warm bath calms and soothes your baby and eases discomfort. 
  •  If your baby is six months old or above, add some extra fruits and vegetables to his diet to increase his fiber. 

constipation in babies

Adding cooked plums or apricots to the food can help if your baby is over nine months old. They can be eaten up to 3 spoons three times a week. Cereals containing bran can also help with mild Constipation. Older babies can try juice diluted with water. Start slowly, with 10 milliliters. Add as needed until they become soft. 

Last- How to Prevent Baby Constipation?

Unfortunately, when it comes to preventing Constipation in babies, there's a lot you can do proactively. "Prevention is really about recognizing the warning signs and trying to stay on top of them," many experts say. Of course, watching your child's diet for constipating foods, offering a wide variety of high-fiber fruits and vegetables, and staying hydrated can all help.

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