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Luvos Bitterquell Plus is a certified organic dietary supplement with calcium to support digestion. For Luvos Bitterquell Plus, the healing earth is combined with the bitter fabrics of artichoke, peppermint and dandelion root that has been tried and tested for generations. The digestive mineral contain calcium, which contains organic Calcareous algae, contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes and can support a healthy digestive function.

Luvo's nutritional supplement with healing earth capsules, 60st

レギュラー価格 ¥3,300 単価 (¥0 / 1 L) ( / )

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Introducing Luvos Bitterquell Plus - the perfect dietary supplement for those seeking a natural solution to support their digestive health. This certified organic capsule contains a powerful combination of healing earth and bitter herbs including artichoke, peppermint, and dandelion root.

Crafted with care in Germany, Luvos Bitterquell Plus is full of holistic wisdom and experience, harnessing the benefits of natural ingredients to promote a healthy digestive function. What's more, this supplement is suitable for vegans, making it a great choice for those following a plant-based lifestyle.

Each capsule contains organic Calcareous algae, providing the body with essential calcium to support the normal function of digestive enzymes. With no added preservatives, taste or dyes, and no animal components, lactose, or gluten, this supplement is as pure and natural as can be.

Experience the power of Luvos Bitterquell Plus with just one daily capsule. With a wealth of history and proven effectiveness, this supplement is an easy way to support your digestive health and wellness. Try it today and feel the difference for yourself.

Luvos BitterQuell Plus: Natural Digestive Health Supplement