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Essential Angelica root oil is an earthy force and nerve oil. It stabilizes psyche and immune system, strengthens the stamina and is helpful for exhaustion. Head heavy people helps to earth and get in balance. In the event of anxiety, it gives protection and warmth, helpful when fear or nervousness strikes on the stomach or leads to sleep problems.

Primavera Angelikraurzel Bio, 1ml

Regular price ¥4,100 Unit price (¥0 / 1 L) (¥4,100,000 / L)

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Allow yourself to be wrapped in the warm embrace of nature's finest gift with Primavera Angelikraurzel Bio. This enchanting essential oil is a gift from Mother Earth herself, imbued with the power to soothe and balance both body and soul. With its earthy aroma, Angelikraurzel Bio is a powerful force in the fight against anxiety and exhaustion, providing comfort and warmth when the weight of the world begins to bear down upon you. Indulge in its natural properties and experience a renewed sense of strength and vitality as you embark on your journey towards inner peace.

Not only does Primavera Angelikraurzel Bio offer therapeutic benefits to the mind and body, but its application to the skin can also bring about a myriad of benefits. Use it in facial and body oils, as a massage oil or even as a bathing additive to experience the full extent of its powers. Self-mixed cosmetic products also benefit from its glowing properties, adding a touch of nature to your daily beauty routine.

Allow this mystical oil to transport you to a world of boundless serenity and indulge in the wonders of Angelikraurzel Bio. For best results, simply add a maximum of 5 drops of the essential oil to 50ml of Primavera almond oil organic and enjoy the many benefits of this natural wonder.

Primavera Angelikraurzel Bio, 1ml